Our Work

Working bottom-up and top-down with First Nations, special interest and broader communities, governments, the development industry, resources and renewables, and tourism sectors to better plan, develop and meet the needs of diverse Australian communities.

#Case Studies

Public & Civic

📸  Christopher Frederick Jones

Youth Foyers Co-design Workshops (QLD Department of Housing & Public Works)

Planning and facilitating collaborative co-design workshops to design accommodation with vulnerable young people

Mining & Energy

Community Benefits Trust Project Management (McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust)

Community Benefits Trust Project Management (McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust)

Project management services for the MRM Community Benefits Trust and facilitating community and economic development in Borroloola region, NT.

Residential Development

Flagstone Community Engagement, Development and Activation Plans (Peet Limited)

Flagstone Community Engagement, Development and Activation Plans (Peet Limited)

Facilitating community development, engagement, and activation in a fast growing greenfield residential community.


Talaroo Hot Springs Tourism Planning and Business Case (Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation)

Supporting Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation (EAC) with professional services to assist the realisation of self-determination aspirations, including developing and opening Talaroo Hot Springs to cultural tourism.

Traditional Owner Estates

Strategic Plans and Economic Development Plans (Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation)

Strategic Plans and Economic Development Plans (Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation)

10-Year Strategic Plans and 5-Year Economic Development Plans as part of the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) Capacity Building Project


Queensland Music Trails Preliminary Business Case, Tourism Opportunity and Social Benefits (QMF)

Queensland Music Trails Preliminary Business Case, Tourism Opportunity and Social Benefits (QMF)

Economic and social preliminary business case for the State-wide music trails, gaining funding for a world-first music tourism platform across outback Queensland

Traditional Owner Estates

Business Plan for Jigija Indigenous Fire Training Program (Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation)

Business Plan for Jigija Indigenous Fire Training Program (Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation)

Engaging with Traditional Owners to prepare a business plan for an Indigenous training program providing wildfire management and mitigation training.

Residential Development

Highland Reserve Residents & Friends Community Group, Gold Coast (Stockland)

Highland Reserve Residents & Friends Community Group, Gold Coast (Stockland)

Creating connections, capacity and a structure to enable residents to activate the community and public open spaces in a new greenfield development

Public & Civic

Community Plan (McKinlay Shire Council)

Community Plan (McKinlay Shire Council)

A plan to maximise economic and lifestyle opportunities for a remote Shire in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Mining & Energy

Sustainable Communities Project (BHP Billiton)

Sustainable Communities Project (BHP Billiton)

Social, cultural and community analysis to inform strategic planning in mining towns undergoing significant change

Traditional Owner Estates

Tagalaka Community Plan 2014-2019 and Strategic Plan 2020-2025 (Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation)

Tagalaka Community Plan 2014-2019 and Strategic Plan 2020-2025 (Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation)

Planning, engagement and research to support the identification and resourcing of community's economic, governance, environment and culture priorities.


📸  Mitch Lowe
📸 Mitch Lowe

Queensland Music Trails (QMF)

Completed an economic and social preliminary business case for the State-wide music trails, gaining funding for a world-first music tourism platform across outback Queensland.

Public & Civic

Design Guide for Queensland Neighbourhood Centres

Design Guide for Queensland Neighbourhood Centres

Working with KIN Architects and the Queensland Government and to provide a clear, structured approach for designing contemporary Neighbourhood Centres across Queensland.

Public & Civic

Topology Strategic Plan 2025-2030

Topology Strategic Plan 2025-2030

Strategic planning to support the continued evolution of one of Queensland’s most beloved music organisations

Bribie Island Youth Project Review City of Moreton Bay

Bribie Island Youth Project Review City of Moreton Bay

Reviewing the Bribie Project’s activity and service provision, and providing recommendations for sustainable future delivery

Traditional Owner Estates

Boodjamulla National Park Strategic Redevelopment Planning (Waanyi Joint Venture)

Boodjamulla National Park Strategic Redevelopment Planning (Waanyi Joint Venture)

Engaging with Waanyi People and key stakeholders to document the overarching vision and aspirations for tourism planning

Mining & Energy

Tumuruu Solar Farm Community Engagement (Australian Solar Enterprises)

Tumuruu Solar Farm Community Engagement (Australian Solar Enterprises)

Early engagement to identify community issues and needs

Public & Civic

Evaluation of the Regional Arts Services Network (Arts Queensland)

Evaluation of the Regional Arts Services Network (Arts Queensland)

In-depth program evaluation to assess the impact of a state-wide networking model and to inform future investment in regional arts initiatives and programs

Public & Civic

Planning Scheme Review – Character and Urban Design Study (Gympie Regional Council)

Planning Scheme Review – Character and Urban Design Study (Gympie Regional Council)

Providing direction for the development of new planning scheme provisions for character and urban design in the Gympie region

Traditional Owner Estates

Strategic Plan 2022-2027 - Ewamian Limited

Strategic Plan 2022-2027 - Ewamian Limited

Providing the overarching guidance, direction and planning for the future of the organisation over the next five years

Traditional Owner Estates

High Level Concept Planning and Development Framework (Girringun Aboriginal Corporation)

High Level Concept Planning and Development Framework (Girringun Aboriginal Corporation)

Site investigations and concept planning for the proposed Girringun headquarters in Cardwell

Residential Development

Community engagement for townhouse development, Carrara (VentureCrowd)

Community engagement for townhouse development, Carrara (VentureCrowd)

Plan C is engaging the community surrounding a residential townhouse development in Carrara at the Gold Coast.


Yarrabah Tourism and Events Strategy (Tourism and Events Queensland)

Yarrabah Tourism and Events Strategy (Tourism and Events Queensland)

Development of an emerging and sustainable tourism destination and events program, focused on supporting the local community and preserving the natural environment.

Traditional Owner Estates

Strategic Plan 2022-2032 and Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027 (Gangalidda Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation)

Strategic Plan 2022-2032 and Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027 (Gangalidda Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation)

Engagement, research, planning and strategy to support the realisation of priorities in the areas of governance and administration, economy and infrastructure, environment and country, and culture and community.

Traditional Owner Estates

Strategic Plan 2022-2032 and Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027 (Gulf Region Aboriginal Corporation)

Strategic Plan 2022-2032 and Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027 (Gulf Region Aboriginal Corporation)

Supporting Traditional Owners to realise self-identified aspirations with research, planning and strategy.

Public & Civic

Yarrabah Retail Centre Briefing (Economic Development Queensland)

Yarrabah Retail Centre Briefing (Economic Development Queensland)

Technical project brief for a new retail hub in the centre of Yarrabah, Queensland.


Eastern Yalanjiwarra Culture and Tourism Hub Design and Development Framework (Queensland Parks and Wildlife)

Eastern Yalanjiwarra Culture and Tourism Hub Design and Development Framework (Queensland Parks and Wildlife)

Engagement and development advice to inform project planning of a new centre for culture and tourism in the Daintree.

Traditional Owner Estates

Strategic Plan 2016-2021 (Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation)

Strategic Plan 2016-2021 (Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation)

Five-year strategy to focus the Corporation’s resources towards the achievement of identified priorities for the future benefit of Ewamian People.

Mining & Energy

Community Benefits Trust Project Management (McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust)

Community Benefits Trust Project Management (McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust)

Providing project management services and facilitating community and economic development for the Borroloola region in the NT.

Residential Development

Flagstone Community Engagement, Development and Activation Plans (Peet)

Flagstone Community Engagement, Development and Activation Plans (Peet)

Facilitating community development, engagement, and activation in a fast growing greenfield residential community.

Traditional Owner Estates

📸 Jigija
📸 Jigija

Jigija Business Plan (Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation)

Engaging with Traditional Owners to prepare a business plan for an Indigenous training program providing wildfire management and mitigation training.


Whole of Country Tourism Strategy (Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation)

Whole of Country Tourism Strategy (Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation)

Plan C engaged with Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation to prepare a Whole of Country Tourism Strategy to identify the aspirations of the Gugu Badhun people with regards to tourism and the opportunities to fulfil these aspirations.


Tourism Hub Concept Plan (Dulabed and Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation)

Tourism Hub Concept Plan (Dulabed and Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation)

Plan C engaged with Dulabed and Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation and community to develop a Tourism Hub Concept Plan.

Public & Civic

Employment-Led Housing Pathways (National Indigenous Australians Agency)

Employment-Led Housing Pathways (National Indigenous Australians Agency)

Researching housing pathways, opportunities and barriers in Katherine

Public & Civic

Hervey Bay Esplanade Master Plan (Fraser Coast Regional Council)

Hervey Bay Esplanade Master Plan (Fraser Coast Regional Council)

Undertaking stakeholder engagement to inform the Hervey Bay Esplanade Master Plan.

Residential Development

Providence Community Development Strategy (Stockland)

Providence Community Development Strategy (Stockland)

Undertaking engagement and preparing a community development strategy for a greenfield residential community in the Ripley Valley.

Public & Civic

Planning Scheme review (Gold Coast City Council)

Planning Scheme review (Gold Coast City Council)

Maximising the opportunities for stakeholder and community input into the plan-making process.

Public & Civic

Co-design workshops for Townsville and Gold Coast Youth Foyers (Department of Housing and Public Works)

Co-design workshops for Townsville and Gold Coast Youth Foyers (Department of Housing and Public Works)

Planning and facilitating collaborative design workshops for new Youth Foyer developments on the Gold Coast and in Townsville.

Public & Civic

Yarrabah Masterplan (Economic Development Queensland)

Yarrabah Masterplan (Economic Development Queensland)

Managing a community co-design process to identify and prioritise design interventions in the Yarrabah CBD and surrounding parklands.

Public & Civic

Social Plan (Moree Plains Shire Council)

Social Plan (Moree Plains Shire Council)

Centring the needs of people and community within renewal and revitalisation processes in South-West Moree.

Public & Civic

Community engagement to reinvigorate Scarborough and Endeavour Parks (Moreton Bay Regional Council)

Community engagement to reinvigorate Scarborough and Endeavour Parks (Moreton Bay Regional Council)

Reinvigorating popular foreshore parklands based on the community's vision.

Public & Civic

Community Engagement for Southport Broadwater Parklands Master Plan (Gold Coast City Council)

Community Engagement for Southport Broadwater Parklands Master Plan (Gold Coast City Council)

Building the community's ideas and visions into the development of a major public space of citywide significance to the Gold Coast.

Traditional Owner Estates

Strategic Community Planning (Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation)

Strategic Community Planning (Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation)

Research and engagement to support planning for increased governance and administrative capability, community development, and emerging tourism opportunities.

Public & Civic

Yarrabah Economic Development Strategy (Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council)

Yarrabah Economic Development Strategy (Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council)

A ten-year strategy shaped by local opportunities, people and environment that provides the foundations for future growth.

Mining & Energy

Engaging in the Cauldron (Urban Land Development Authority)

Engaging in the Cauldron (Urban Land Development Authority)

Social, cultural and community analysis to inform strategic planning in mining towns undergoing significant change.

Public & Civic

Commercial Use of Open Space on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) (Redland City Council)

Commercial Use of Open Space on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) (Redland City Council)

Ensuring sustainable use and enjoyment of cherished public open spaces on Minjerribah through the right balance of commercial and community uses.

Public & Civic

North Lakes Young People's Activity Trails Strategy (Moreton Bay Regional Council)

North Lakes Young People's Activity Trails Strategy (Moreton Bay Regional Council)

Incorporating connections and activities for young people into the existing built form, where the development of traditional youth spaces is constrained

Public & Civic

Children's Botanic Gardens (Gold Coast City Council)

Children's Botanic Gardens (Gold Coast City Council)

Engagement to inform the development of a world-class garden, play space and learning hub that stimulates the interaction and imagination of children of all abilities

Public & Civic

Redland Youth Plaza Engagement and Activation (Redland City Council)

Redland Youth Plaza Engagement and Activation (Redland City Council)

A widespread and collaborative community engagement process to capture the community’s ideas, visions and requirements for the Redland Youth Plaza.

Public & Civic

Mount Ninderry Public Involvement Plan (Sunshine Coast Council)

Mount Ninderry Public Involvement Plan (Sunshine Coast Council)

Designing an engagement program to balance the needs of Traditional Owners, sensitive regional ecosystems and recreational uses.

Mining & Energy

Aboriginal Group Engagement, Capacity Building and Planning (BHP Billiton)

Aboriginal Group Engagement, Capacity Building and Planning (BHP Billiton)

Building on the outcomes of the Mt Arthur Coal Sustainable Communities Project, Plan C undertook an engagement process with the Wonnarua/Wanaruah Language Group and Aboriginal stakeholders in Muswellbrook and surrounding areas.

Public & Civic

Fully Fest Logan Active Youth Events Pilot (Logan City Council)

Fully Fest Logan Active Youth Events Pilot (Logan City Council)

A proactive approach to improving the lives of young people in Logan through inclusive public space activation and programming.

Public & Civic

Labrador Community Hub (Gold Coast City Council)

Labrador Community Hub (Gold Coast City Council)

A highly integrated engagement and embedded design process for a community hub development.

Public & Civic

Skate and BMX Strategic Development and Operational Plan (Gold Coast City Council)

Skate and BMX Strategic Development and Operational Plan (Gold Coast City Council)

Collaborative engagement informing the delivery of recreational infrastructure.

Public & Civic

Glenorchy Multicultural Community Spaces Plan (Glenorchy City Council)

Glenorchy Multicultural Community Spaces Plan (Glenorchy City Council)

Identifying solutions to meet the needs of different multicultural groups for spaces and facilities to support their community, cultural and religious activities.

Public & Civic

Dundee Progress Association: Dundee Region Community Plan (Stage 1)

Dundee Progress Association: Dundee Region Community Plan (Stage 1)

Creating a framework to maintain and improve residents' lifestyle in a rural and remote community

Residential Development

Co-design process and facilitation (Frasers Property)

Co-design process and facilitation (Frasers Property)

Developed multi-stage co-design process and facilitation between developer and Traditional Owners.

Public & Civic

Co-design process for Joyce Wilding Hostel, Eight Mile Plains

Co-design process for Joyce Wilding Hostel, Eight Mile Plains

Managing the co-design process for the re-development of social housing for Indigenous women and children, Plan C facilitated communications, meetings and a stakeholder co-design workshop.

Traditional Owner Estates

Western (Sunset Wugardaray) Yalanji People Community Plan (North Queensland Land Council)

Western (Sunset Wugardaray) Yalanji People Community Plan (North Queensland Land Council)

Exploring current issues and opportunities, shared goals, future aspirations and developing strategies to achieve the Community's collective vision.