Redland Youth Plaza Engagement and Activation
Redland City Council

A widespread and collaborative community engagement process to capture the community’s ideas, visions and requirements for the Redland Youth Plaza.
Within this engagement process was an embedded Enquiry by Design process to enable young people to be ‘hands on’ in the concept development process.
The Plaza is a unique space that is responsive to the local area and equivalent to best practice internationally at the time, a facility that provides excellent challenges to skaters and BMX riders at all levels, and an integrated youth space which has been designed, managed and activated in conjunction with young people and the local community.
A core group of local young people were involved in each step of the project consultation process and contributed valuable time to ensuring that their voices were heard and their ideas transferred to the final concept design.
Specific consultation tools such as digital storytelling, short film and sketch interviews were used to engage with large numbers of stakeholders and communicate ideas across a range of media to inform conceptual development.
#Key Outcomes Achieved
Guided a highly collaborative planning and engagement process where young people, skaters, BMX riders and community members were involved in concept development and detailed design of the Plaza.
Assisted Redland City Council to develop a grant application for the project, which was successful and subsequently became the first time a youth facility of this nature had ever been awarded a major grant.
Once the construction was underway, Plan C worked with the community to form the 'Plaza Advisory Crew'– a group of local young people and community stakeholders who were interested in learning skills to manage and activate the site.
The Plaza Advisory Crew worked with Plan C to develop sustainable skills such as governance, event production, marketing, sponsorship and other skills. Collaboratively, this group produced the launch event for the Plaza – the Concrete Carnival.