What We Do
Community Engagement • Planning • Community Development • Co-design • Infrastructure • Land Development • Community Trust Management

Plan C provides specialist services to communities, governments, the development industry, mining, energy and tourism sectors, and Traditional Owner estates.
Our technical planning, design and development skills, combined with our community development practice, means we are uniquely placed to deliver leading practice outcomes for clients and communities.
#Our Services
Community Engagement
Genuine, fit for purpose community engagement with the technical skills to translate community aspirations into actions.
Community Development
Empowering individuals and groups with the support and skills needed to come together for collective impact to address issues, fill gaps and start enterprises to create sustainable local benefits.
Strategic & Community Planning
Community-led road maps to sustainability for the achievement of community and stakeholder aspirations, based around the quadruple determinants of sustainability: governance and administration; community and culture; economy and infrastructure; and environment and country.
Community Trust Management
Identifying, developing, managing and establishing partnerships with communities, grant recipients and stakeholders to establish projects and programs funded through the Trust to deliver community benefits in the region.
Design & Land Development
Working with Traditional Owners and land developers to translate community aspirations into on-the-ground outcomes for social, cultural and economic benefit.
First Nations Tourism
Supporting Traditional Owners in developing self-determined, sustainable, on-country tourism experiences to support other community aspirations and meet growing demand for these experiences.
Planning, co-design with community, design concept development, costing, funding, partnerships and governance and development delivery models to support delivery of community infrastructure that maximises community benefits.
Richer, community-owned outcomes achieved via direct community and client involvement in the design process.

We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and corporations to identify, plan and deliver on community aspirations.
Plan C is honoured and privileged to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and corporations in Far North Queensland, Gulf and Cape Country and the Top End.
We assist in community and strategic planning and provide support in delivering infrastructure and programs, utilising land and natural assets, community strengths, unique culture, and rights to negotiate.
It's joyful to meet and work with such incredible people, experience country, and use our technical skills to support self-determination aspirations.