Project Management
McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust

grants approved (2018-2022)
CBT-led projects
committed to projects in 2018 - 2022
Providing project management services and facilitating community and economic development for the Borroloola region in the NT.
Plan C leads broad community engagement and wide-ranging community and economic development in Borroloola and the surrounding Big Rivers region as Project Officers for the McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust.
Since 2018, Plan C have worked with the Trust, community and key stakeholders to facilitate projects and programs across the priority areas of culture and art, education, enterprise and job creation, environment, health, and social and community development.
Four Clans Artwork image 📸 Benjamin Warlngundu Ellis Bayliss
#On Location
#Project Officer Responsibilities
Engage with the community and key stakeholders to identify opportunities for projects and programs that could be facilitated by the Trust to meet the needs and aspirations of the community
Initiate and facilitate CBT-led projects, such as the CBT Development in Borroloola, Academic Assistance Bursary, Youth Strategy, and town signage
Support community groups, universities, schools and larger not-for-profit corporations, to enable the development of programs and projects across the Trust's six priority areas
Establish partnerships with organisations to generate investment and identify projects that respond to community needs
Attend various community events such as the opening of the Rocky Creek Bridge and Borroloola School Family Fun Days to support projects funded by the Trust and show community support
#Key Outcomes
Improved literacy, numeracy and commitment to learning from school age to tertiary education, and more opportunities for training, skills development and local employment
Upgraded and improved infrastructure and facilities which have major long term benefits, and promote sustainability and resilience for the local community
Celebration of Indigenous culture, traditions and art, through the support of events, tourism, creation of educational materials and art projects
Enhanced health and wellbeing and increased social and community development outcomes through the support of projects that promote a higher standard of living, provide opportunities for social connection, and foster a sense of community
Increased commitment from local and regional organisations to work with the Trust on major change making projects
Adoption of new constitution allowing for increased local community representation and majority local Aboriginal decision making
Proposed mixed use development in the centre of Borroloola, providing retail, commercial and community uses that directly respond to the needs of the community
#CBT Project Highlights
CBT Development
in Borroloola
Academic Assistance
Youth Strategy for Borroloola and Robinson River
Borroloola School
Breakfast Program
Roper Gulf Regional Council
Rocky Creek Bridge Upgrade
Waralungku Arts
Four Clans Artwork
Borroloola Thunders
AFL Team
Artback NT Remote
Arts and Culture Program